
The Tale of DCE’s…

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While going through some old folders today in an attempt to start packing for the end of the year, I came across the following poem that a few fellow DCE students and I wrote last year on our way to the annual DCE retreat. In honor of the fact that in one week the 6 DCE interns (including myself) from CUNE for next year will know where we will be serving on internship, I want to share it with you today! 🙂

The Tale of DCE’s
Inspired by Dr. Seuss
Written by: Paige, Bethany, Tyler, and JD

Some DCEs drink coffee.
Some DCEs drink tea.
And DCEs drink Mt. Dew
until they really have to pee.

Some DCEs are bald.
Some DCEs have a full head of hair.
And DCEs are in between
as their scalp begins to bare.

Some DCEs play guitar.
Some DCEs can dance.
And some DCEs try to learn both,
but they don’t have a chance.

Some DCEs wear flip-flops.
Some DCEs love Birkenstocks.
And some DCEs rock the sandals with socks.

When faced with stress and short on time,
all DCEs are fine.
While other people with their jobs
would run away or whine.

Some say that DCEs sleep all day,
that’s what some protest.
Some realize they can’t do it all,
because ultimately God knows best.

Some say that DCEs only work once a week,
that is such a lie.
Their work for God never stops,
that no one can deny.

Some DCEs play Sardines.
Some DCEs frown at that.
Because purpling goes on in closed dark spaces
and God’s not down with that.

All DCEs are called to serve,
this is most certainly true.
That’s why God extended a call,
a call to me and you!

Author: joyfullydancingdaughter

Hello! I am a daughter, a sister, and a friend, but most importantly I am a princess of the King! I am dancing for joy in thanksgiving for all the blessings God has given to me in my life. Through this blog, I hope to share those blessings with you! In His Loving Arms, JoyfullyDancingDaughter

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