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a Tornado Flew Over the House…

On Monday, my family was relaxing at the lake in Minnesota on vacation. The weather was gorgeous.2014_06_30

Then we received word from my sister, a tornado had flown over the house. We headed home and found this.


The bird feeder amazingly survived the storm, even though the tree it was attached to did not.


The house was miraculously untouched, as were many of the neighbors’ houses. It was an act of God where the trees had fallen. It was as if He had placed each as they fell.


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Friends came and helped cut apart the trees. They brought chainsaws and were ready to help tackle the problem.

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The ash tree in front of the house was cut down with lots of excitements and three attempts.


This Ladybug was a little “stumped” after the tree was gone.


The next day, more friends arrived to help move the wood away to the curb and to the new bonfire pile.


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We built some pretty fabulous piles of trees, which reminded us of forts and hedges.

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And decided it might be time for a bonfire or two…


We also had some fun along the way!


You could finally see the house again! What a beautiful site!


We are truly blessed by the kindness of others and in return, blessed to help others clean up from the storm too! Thankful the damage was not worse and pray for those who suffered from greater impact of the storm.

And, thus ends my tale of a tornado flying over the house.

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Thoughts from Inside the Tube…

By the end of this week I will have spent 10 hours in solitude, two for each day. Let me tell you, when you spend that much time alone listening to yourself breathe, a lot of thoughts take place.

Each day I typically start with prayer, especially as I clear my ears as pressure changes in the chamber. I’d love to say that I spend all my time in prayer, but my mind gets distracted and I wander around with my thoughts.

Some days I think about the kids who use hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HbOT). (That’s what this clinic’s main focus is. You can read more here.) I pretend that I’m an astronaut hanging out in the international space station. Other times I think about how cool it would be to say I’m diving in a submarine on a top secret mission. HbOT chambers are a great place to use one’s imagination.

Breathe in, breathe out. My legs start to get a little tingly and I visualize the oxygen going into my red blood cells and annihilating any lyme bacteria left in my body. In. Out. In. Out.

From there my mind generally drifts to the projects I’m working on…fundraisers for adoptions, quilt designs, books to write, and the list goes on.

Then I come back to prayer. The ideas of different projects usually bring different people to mind and I am reminded to pray for them and thank God for them. I’m also reminded of all those on my prayer list. From there I tend to stay more in reality for a little while, thinking of future plans – mountains to climb and internship possibilities. My heart soars with excitement as I day dream.

About this time, I realize I’ve been in the chamber for roughly an hour and a half. This is the point in this daily adventure that boredom sets in, but I’m determined to keep myself occupied. I replay every thought I’ve had that day in my head, solidifying my realization of how long I’ve been in the chamber.

It’s also this point that I tend to hear strange noises going on outside the tube and I begin to think that if something were to go wrong, I could suffocate to death before they could get me back down to pressure to get me out of the chamber. At certain moments, this lack of control causes mild panic. But then I take a deep breath (and listen to the carbon dioxide go out the tube) and thank God that no matter what happens, He is in control and will take care of me. If there was a situation where something malfunctioned, God would handle it and bring people to the rescue. (Knowing that others are holding me in prayer also help greatly in these moments!)

And before I know it the two hours are just about up. The tech comes back to let the pressure out of the hyperbaric chamber. I have to concentrate on my breathing and ear popping and then it is over. Someone is opening the door, taking the hood off of my head, and letting me out. I breathe a sigh of relief, thank God that one more day is done, and off to lunch I go.

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12 Lists…

After spending a day listening to Christmas music and reading my sister’s blog today, I have been inspired to share a few lists with you about me. I realize I’m a few weeks before the actual 12 days of Christmas, but I’m going to do this in “12 Days of Christmas” form.

1 Favorite Dessert:

  1. Cookies


2 Fears:

  1. Snakes!
  2. Poisonous spiders!


3 Goals:

  1. To climb a mountain
  2. Remission from Lyme Disease
  3. Adopt a child (or a few)


4 Favorite Films:

  1. The Sound of Music
  2. the Trouble with Angels
  3. White Christmas
  4. X-Men


5 Favorite Books:

  1. The BIBLE
  2. The Little House on the Prairie Series
  3. Redeeming Love
  4. The O’Malley Series
  5. The Bernstein Bears books


6 Favorite Pass-times:

  1. Dancing Ballet
  2. Hanging out with my Ladybug and Monkey
  3. Laughing with friends
  4. Cooking with friends and family
  5. Deep conversations with friends
  6. Worshipping


7 Favorite One-word Activities:

  1. Dancing
  2. Writing
  3. Helping
  4. Loving
  5. Learning
  6. Listening
  7. Playing


8 Futures:

  1. Director of Christian Education
  2. Advocate
  3. Mom
  4. Mountain Climber
  5. Backpacker
  6. Teacher
  7. Author
  8. Camp Worker


9 Words Describing Me:

  1. Loving
  2. Kind
  3. Tenacious
  4. Encourager
  5. Joyful
  6. Hopeful
  7. Beautiful
  8. Loved
  9. Helpful


10 Joys:

  1. Mail
  2. Hugs
  3. Smiles
  4. Wildflowers
  5. Music
  6. Gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar-free food
  7. Time with Friends
  8. Prayer
  9. Silly Socks
  10. Crayons


11 Favorite Songs:

  1. “I am Jesus’ Little Lamb”
  2. “Remind Me Who I Am” – Jason Gray
  3. “Help Me Find It” – Sidewalk Prophets
  4. “The First Noel”
  5. “I Can Only Imagine” – MercyMe
  6. “My Favorite Things” – Sound of Music
  7. “The Servant’s Prayer”
  8. “Light the Fire”
  9. “Defying Gravity” – Wicked
  10. “I Have Been Chosen”
  11. “Untitled Hymn” – Chris Rice


12 Favorite Bible Verses:

  1. Romans 5:3-5
  2. 1 Thessalonians 5:24
  3. Romans 15:13
  4. Jeremiah 6:16
  5. 1 John 3:1-2
  6. 2 Corinthians 12:9
  7. Exodus 14:14
  8. Isaiah 43:1-3
  9. 2 Chronicles 20:12-17
  10. Acts 4:29-30
  11. Hebrews 4:12,16
  12. Romans 8

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What Do You Want to Know…

I have some exciting news to share…

I’m writing a book!

I’m very excited about this book as it is about my journey with Lyme disease. Sharing this story has been on my heart for a while and I’m finally putting it down on paper.

Since I am doing a lot of writing for this book, my blog writing has been a little neglecting. So if my posts for the next few months are a little scattered, this is why.

But, I could use your help.

The book I’m writing is meant to share my journey with Lyme disease, but it is also written to help educate others on persistent neurological Lyme disease and create awareness.

Where you come in…what is one question that you have about Lyme disease?

It can be simple or detailed. Something about my personal story, the disease in general, treatment options, etc… Whatever you are curious about, please ask.

I will share my answers with you directly and you will also help me in making sure I’m not leaving any important details out of this book.


What do you want to know about Lyme disease?

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To Be a Turtle…

Some days I want to be a turtle, who climbs into my shell when life is overwhelming.
Other days I want to be a hibernating bear and sleep the days away.
And even other days I wish to be a cheetah and run!

Or I think I’d like to be a monkey who spends his days in the trees, swinging to and fro.
Sometimes, I want to be a pig and feel like eating everything in sight.

Now and then I wish to be a worker ant, one who is busy all the time.
Occasionally, I’d like to be a chickadee and sing the day away.
And from time to time I want to be a cuddly kitten, curled up next to someone I love.

Some days I wish to be a mountain goat to explore my mountain home.
Or how about a lioness with fierce passion in her roar.
Other days it might be nice to be a fruit bat and fly around all night.
Or a caterpillar, crunching my way through leaves.

But some days, I just want to be a turtle…

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Through the Eyes of a Child…

I spent this afternoon looking through the eyes of a one year old little beauty.

We spent our time together reading books, making animal sounds, putting money in the piggy bank and then taking it out to do it all over again. What delight!

Our imaginations helped us make delicious cookies using ketchup and mustard bottles.

There was awe in the snow outside, as we went from one window to another to gaze upon it.

We experienced “WOW” moments while staring at the Christmas tree and discovering what ornaments are hung on it.

As music played from “White Christmas” we danced and sang and made silly faces together.

Finally, we went from nativity scene to nativity scene, finding baby Jesus in each one.

What a gift it is to see through the eyes of a child.

So, as we prepare to celebrate the coming of the King this year, I wonder what Christ saw when He was born.

What did He think of the wooly sheep and shepherds who came to visit?

How about the innkeeper and his wife?

What about the animals, whose feeding tough He was sleeping in?

Or the stars outside? Or the smile on His mom’s face?

So many beautiful sights to behold for one so young!

Mary saw them and she kept them.

“But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.” ~ Luke 2:19 (NIV)

May you remember to take time this Christmas season and seek the blessings seen through the eyes of the Child. Simple, pure, quiet blessings.

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Bucket List…

So I’m not the typical bucket list person who wants to go skydiving or swim with the sharks, but there are definitely things I would love to accomplish in my life and here they are (in no particular order)…

  1. Beat Lyme Disease
  2. Climb a mountain and praise God from the mountaintops!
  3. Visit Camp free of Lyme
  4. Dance ballet again
  5. Go camping in the snow
  6. Live in Community
  7. Become a certified DCE
  8. Get married
  9. Become a mom
  10. Adopt
  11. Write a book
  12. Publish a book
  13. Eat Latkes
  14. Visit Bethlehem
  15. Visit Alaska
  16. Visit French museums and see Degas’ paintings
  17. Finish reading the Narnia series
  18. Learn conversational Spanish
  19. Eat Navajo Tacos
  20. Run in the Color Run
  21. See a Russian Ballet
  22. Eat Dim Sum
  23. Visit Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia
  24. Learn to play the piano with both hands
  25. Visit Austria and see the Von Traps’ house
  26. Be able to play a song on the guitar and sing at the same time.
  27. See Niagara Falls from the Canadian side
  28. Learn Ballroom Dancing
  29. Travel to all 50 states (18 down…32 to go)
  30. Eat a Beignet
  31. Solve the Rubix Cube
  32. Learn to Crochet
  33. Have a vegetable garden
  34. Volunteer at a women’s shelter
  35. Eat ravioli in Italy
  36. Create awareness about Lyme disease
  37. Visit all  of the Little House/Laura Ingalls Wilder sites
  38. Attend the Winter Olympics
  39. Learn to do a back flip
  40. Eat Pupusas
  41. Memorize the Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer skys
  42. Ride on a Dog Sled
  43. Serve God and bring Him glory, wherever I am!

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With Words…

It is…

…with words I speak.
…with words I question.
…with words I love.
…with words I pray.

…with words I challenge.
…with words I encourage.
…with words I serve.
…with words I praise.

…with words I create.
…with words I sing.
…with words I seek.
…with words I rest.

…with words I suffer.
…with words I endure.
…with words I obey.
…with words I trust.

…with words I fear.
…with words I fail.
…with words I feel.
…with words I receive.

…with words I believe.
…with words I hope!

“I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I hope;” ~ Psalm 130:5

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As I have been going through class notes, I have come across many poems I wrote during my college classes and want to share them now. 🙂

Light unto my Path

When we can’t see past this moment,
everything seems like a dream.
You are here.

In the midst of chaos,
You bring peace.

The next step is uncertain and unclear.
Chaos seems to loom in the air,
You are here.

But, You hold us in your arms,
never letting go.

We kick, scream, and fight You,
yet You still call us “child.”
You are here.

Eventually we give up and
You bring rest.

As the sun rises the next day,
new challenges arise,
but You are here,
bringing peace, never letting go, and
bringing rest.

a gift
a joy
a struggle to understand
beyond understanding
a needed reminder
no control
God’s arms
: Grace





Ecclesiastes 3




And a new poem for tonight…



Solid, made of stone and rock.
Built to climb and explore.
Where eyes are set.

A goal.
A meeting place.
A resting place.
A sanctuary, a house of worship.

Where God dwells.


“Lead me to the rock
that is higher than I;
for you are my refuge,
a strong tower against the enemy.”
~ Psalm 61:2-3

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Moments in Words…

Late night conversations.

Feeling life.

A friend close by.


God’s arms.

Alarm clocks.


Plan set.

Hearts praying.

An escape.

An afternoon visit of energy.



Birthday Surprise Success.

Roller coaster stories.


Purple rice.

Blankets and pillows.

Random movie.

Facebook pictures.

Arkansas learning and planning.


Brotherly wisdom.

Deuteronomy 31. Hebrews 4. Romans 5.

Warm bed.

