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Christmas Tree or no Christmas Tree, that is the Question…

This year, I got the Christmas tree out, decorated it, and within 24 hours put it away…
It’s been a strange beginning to the Christmas season for me, partially because I work in a church and SO much Christmas/Advent-related is happening all in one weekend, I’m a little overwhelmed. And then there’s the fact I’m still longing for fall, it doesn’t feel like Advent should be here already.
This weekend, Advent begins, and so does the season of waiting and preparation for Christmas. In this season of Advent, my desire is to be intentionally present in each moment…with people, time, and even in how I’m decorating.
My Advent wreath is one of my favorite things. Not only does it mark the days until Christmas, it is also a reminder to slow down, light the candles, and be present with God in His Word daily.
I placed jingle bells on my doors. I’ve always loved them, maybe because my mom’s favorite Christmas movie growing up was It’s A Wonderful Life or my favorite Christmas movie is Eloise at Christmastime. Either way, they bring joy to my home. They also mark the entering and exiting of my house and the people who walk through the doors. I want to be intentional in time with those visitors, as well as when I leave and spend time with people outside my home.
On my “mantel” this year is the nativity. Growing up we usually had a nativity out all year to remind us that we don’t celebrate Jesus just one day, but every day. It’s on the mantel as a front and center reminder to do just that.
I also have window clings of the nativity up. The creche on one window, the shepherd and angel bringing good news on another, and the wise men are on the bathroom mirror (doesn’t everyone do that?!). I put the wise men in the bathroom every year and once Christmas comes they move from window to window, making their way to baby Jesus on Epiphany! It keeps me intentional in celebrating the gift Christ gave me just as the wise men gave to Him.
Finally, Christmas lights. I’ve struggled this year with where to put them. In this time of year when it’s growing darker and darker, the Light of the World is about to come into that darkness. The warm glow of Christmas lights help me to intentionally slow down in the darkness, not jumping ahead but settling in; knowing of the Hope we celebrate on Christmas and the Hope that is yet to come.
So for this year, I asked the question, do I get the tree out or not? For those of you waiting with bated breath, the answer is yes. I rearranged the living room and got the tree out this year…again!
I pray you are able to be intentional during this Advent season, as we prepare to celebrate the birthday of our risen King! May you find delight in these days of Advent.